Pod Winogronem Accommodation

Parking dla gości
Aneks kuchenny
Dla turystów ze zwierzętami

Guestrooms for rent: single, double, triple, and quadruple rooms, hosting 19 guests in total. Half of the rooms have separate bathrooms; in the remaining ones, bathrooms are nearby. Guests can use a common room and a kitchen with a fridge and gas. It is possible to organize campfires and use barbecues.

ul. Bieszczadzka 66,
38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne
See also
U Jakuba Accommodation
ul. Wincentego Pola 74, 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne
Tęczowy Poranek
Łobozew Dolny 3a, 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne
U Palucha Accommodation
ul. Wyzwolenia 8, 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne
U Fela Accommodation
ul. Naftowa 18, 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne

Bieszczady Centre of Tourism and Promotion ****

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