Bieszczady Flora

Why is it so beautiful in Bieszczady? Because it is a place where nature continues to dominate. Its rich flora fascinates not only biologists who can recognize any species, but also laymen who experience the soothing effect of being in contact with nature

Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora Bieszczady Flora

The beauty of Bieszczady finds it expression in its characteristic vegetation, in which we can distinguish many different species. Bieszczady flora includes ca. 900 different species, among which we can find lichens, mosses, mycetozoa, and fungi. One of the most interesting plants in Bieszczady include leucojum vernum, euphorbia carpatica, dianthus barbatus subsp. compactus, viola dacica, centaurea kotshyana, scorzonera rosea, veratrum album, or cirisium waldsteinii.

There are three altitudinal zones in Bieszczady:

- foothill (valley) zone reaching ca. 500 m above sea level where we can distinguish beech, beech and fir, and alter forests.

- submontane zone reaching ca. 1150 m above sea level, with dominating beech, alder, sycamore, and rarely observed spruces. In the tree line we can observe half-standard beech trees which have close to no stem.

- Polonyna zone (of alpine and subalpine communities) which extends from the tree line to the highest peaks. It includes different types of grasses and eastern Carpathian plants.

Flora which is characteristic for our region can be admired not only in the area of Bieszczady National Park, but also on the territory of the Ustrzyki Dolne commune, where you can find nature reserves which are worth visiting, including: Na Opalonym, Na Oratyku, Cisy w Serednicy.

See also

Bieszczady Centre of Tourism and Promotion ****

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