For kids
For seniors

The Museum of Bieszczady National Park

Bieszczady fauna and flora at your fingertips. This is where you can find yourself face to face with a brown bear or a pack of wolves. Where you can have a close look at the biggest predator among felines – the Eurasian lynx – without any fear.

The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park The Museum of Bieszczady National Park

The Museum of Bieszczady National Park with Academic and Teaching Centre of Bieszczady National Park conduct academic, teaching, and museum-related activities. Visitors can see fauna and flora which are characteristic for the area of Bieszczady. Expositions featuring local animals and plants will help you learn more about nature in Bieszczady.

The museum houses such exhibitions as: Biologia i systematyka świata zwierząt (Biology and Systematics of the Animal World), Wybrane zagadnienia z paleontologii (Selected Problems of Paleontology), Geologia Bieszczadów na tle Karpat (Geology of Bieszczady Against the Carpathian Mountains), Geomorfologia, hydrologia, klimat i gleby Bieszczadów (Geomorphology, Hydrology, Climate, and Soil in Bieszczady), Wybrane elementy Planu Ochrony Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego i otuliny (Selected Elements of the Protection Plan for Bieszczady National Park and its Buffer Zone), Flora i zbiorowiska roślinne oraz fauna Bieszczadów (Bieszczady Flora, Plant Communities, and Fauna), Przyroda pogórza (Footfills Wildlife), Przyroda regla dolnego (Submontane Zone Wildlife), Przyroda połonin (Polonyna Zone Wildlife), and temporary exhibitions.

The museum can be visited:

from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (from 15 November to 15 April from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

additionally, in summer (July and August), the museum is also open on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


- adults – PLN 7

- school and University students, retired and disability pensioners – a reduced fee – PLN 5

- Big Family Card holder – PLN 2

- children of up to 5 years of age, from orphanages, students of special schools, chaperones of school groups, guides with their groups, national parks’ employees – free of charge.

See also

Bieszczady Centre of Tourism and Promotion ****

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